
Design effect by culture

Design in Finland is clearly effect by nature. It´s demanding. E.g. if we are talking about women´s clothing. Needed to think more than how it looks like.  But also how it feels, is it warm, versatile and variable? And  still feminine? Annoying practical? Hope not. Practical and beautiful, yes.  Natural colors and fabrics suits scandinavian people well. And sure we use so loved colors.

US and British style is a bit different (if compare european). Much more details, sometimes like cream cake, bigger, bling bling and so on. They have more traditions of that.

In European continet we can find older germanic style and later quite uniform style. Scandinavian style reminds the latter one, but it´s still own part. Younger designers got inspired by all the other cultures. Result of globalisation.  There´s no longer clear effect of culture anymore. It´s so shame if we try to look all the same.

Just to show some examples of Finnish produsers and design:  
  • textiles Marimekko,
  • home textiles and so on Vallila Interior.
  • Have to also mention a young and talanted clothing designer Anne Mari. But  unfortunately I don´t have any pictures yet. We need to wait a bit. Her works are so interesting.
Smaller and local producers are e.g.
  •  Rej Design,  clothes horses of metal and so on.
  •  Loimuset Oy, design interiors and furniture. Their catalogue is in adobe-form.
Perhaps one of the biggest furniture produsers are
But more interesting you can find from these smaller e.g.
And interestin jewellery producer is
Of course there are more like Lundia, Alvar Aalto, Nokia and so on. You can google them or ask,  I will help you to find.

Made in China has landed here strongly, swedish Ikea and universal main stream, but typical Finnish features are still in here and alive. Made in Finland.

If you have anything to ask of these or if you would like to find some more, please feel free to ask.  What you would like to know about Finland?